Quote 1:
“By definition, all media texts are re-presentations of reality. This means that they are intentionally composed, lit, written, framed, cropped, captioned, branded, targeted and censored by their producers, and that they are entirely artificial versions of the reality we perceive around us”.
This quote means that they use media to accurately present what we perceive of life and reality.
Quote 2:
“When studying the media it is vital to remember this — every media form, from a home video to a glossy magazine, is a representation of someone's concept of existence, codified into a series of signs and symbols which can be read by an audience”.
This quote is saying that all and every form of media is representing something/someone, but made in a way for the audience to figure out as they watch the film.
Quote 3:
“Media representations — and the extent to which we accept them — are a very political issue, as the influence the media exerts has a major impact on the way we view the world. By viewing media representations our prejudices can be reinforced or shattered”.
This quote is saying that media is impressionable and can influence peoples thinking and ideology.